Contact Us

If you have any questions about our home or special requests, please feel free to get in touch using the form below and we’ll reply as soon as we can.


  • How many people can stay in the house?

    • The max capacity is 8 people. Occasionally we make exceptions for guests of 8 plus infants. Please contact us directly if that is your situation.

  • Can we invite others to visit us during our stay?

    • We prefer you check in with us and let us know if you would like to have friends/family visit you during your stay. Please message or call us and let us know.

  • How many parking spots are there?

    • There is enough room to easily fit four vehicles if necessary.

  • Is there somewhere we can store bikes?

    • Yes, we have a place where you can store bikes and skis if needed.

  • How far in advance can I book?

    • We currently book out a year + in advance. Please contact us if trying to secure a 2 night booking.

  • Do you offer any discounts?

    • For any stays that are 5 nights or longer, we offer a 10% discount